Our Staff

Linda Miller - Aging Programs Director
Linda is the program lead for the Region F Aging Advisory Committee and Home and Community Care Block Grant. She serves as the Lead Planner for Mecklenburg and Union counties.
704-348-2712 (phone)lmiller@centralina.org (email)

Debi Lee - Assistant Aging Programs Director
Debi Lee is the Assistant Aging Programs Director and the program lead for Legal Services, Senior Medicare Patrol, Medicare Information for Patients and Providers Project, and Housing and Housing Improvement. She is the Lead Planner for Gaston, Iredell, and Lincoln counties. She serves as the regional contact for the Community Resource Center.
704-348-2714 (phone)dlee@centralina.org (email)

Katie Kutcher - Assistant Aging Programs Director
Katie Kutcher is an Assistant Aging Programs Director and works with Home and Community-Based Services and Mobility Management efforts in the Centralina region. She serves as the Lead Planner in Cabarrus and Iredell County. She is a Lead Trainer for A Matter of Balance and a Master Trainer for Chronic Disease Self-Management, Diabetes Self-Management, Chronic Pain Self-Management, and Building Better Caregivers.
704-348-2705 (phone)kkutcher@centralina.org (email)

Amanda Dawson - Aging Program Coordinator
Amanda is an Aging Program Coordinator providing support for evidence-based health programs and its volunteers across the region. She also assists with piloting the PEARLS program in North Carolina as a PEARLS Coach.
704-385-4789 (phone)adawson@centralina.org (email)

Austin Caton - Aging Program Coordinator
Austin is an Aging Program Coordinator for the Digital Navigation Program providing assistance with technology and training for older adults in our region. He also serves as the team lead for the 800-line.
704-348-2708 (phone)acaton@centralina.org (email)

Caitlin McElrath - Aging Program Administrator
Caitlin McElrath is an Aging Program Administrator and serves as the lead for Nutrition, Housing and Home Improvement and Legal Services in the 9 county Centralina region. She also assists with SHIIP, MIPPA and our monthly webinar series.
704-348-2726 (phone)cmcelrath@centralina.org (email)

Cindy Kincaid - Family Caregiver Program Manager
Cindy Kincaid is the Family Caregiver Program Manager. She is also serving as the Ombudsman for Gaston and Lincoln Nursing Home and Adult Care Homes. She is a certified Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Care Trainer.
704-348-2715 (phone)ckincaid@centralina.org (email)

Evelyn Pressley - Aging Programs Financial Coordinator
Evelyn Pressley is the Aging Programs Financial Coordinator and provides technical assistance for the Aging Resource Management System and manages monitoring schedules for all nine counties.
704-688-6505 (phone)epressley@centralina.org (email)

Hillary Kaylor - Aging Program Manager - Mecklenburg Nursing Homes
Hillary Kaylor is the Aging Program Manager for the Ombudsman Program. She is the Co-lead for the Annual Aging Conference.
704-348-2724 (phone)hkaylor@centralina.org (email)

Jeanette Mullies - Regional Ombudsman
Jeannie Mullies is the Ombudsman serving residents who live in both Adult Care and Nursing Homes in Gaston and Lincoln Counties.
704-688-6504 (phone)jmullies@centralina.org (email)

Kamiya Crawford - Aging Program Coordinator
Kamiya is an Aging Program Coordinator who leads The Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding Lives (PEARLS) pilot program. PEARLS is an evidence-based health program designed to reduce depression in socially isolated older adults.
704-688-7036 (phone)kcrawford@centralina.org (email)

Kelly Mach - Aging Program Coordinator
Kelly is an Aging Program Coordinator working with ARPA funded programs.
(phone)kmach@centralina.org (email)

Kelsey Lieungh - Aging Program Coordinator
Kelsey is an Aging Program Coordinator working with the Family Caregiver Support Program. She also serves as the Co-Chair for Dementia Friendly Charlotte Mecklenburg.
704-348-2710 (phone)klieungh@centralina.org (email)

Kristen Srouji - Aging Program Manager
Kristen is the Aging Program Manager for evidence-based health programs across the region. Kristen also serves as the staff co-lead for the Metrolina Falls Prevention Coalition. Kristen is a Master Trainer for A Matter of Balance.
704-348-2729 (phone)ksrouji@centralina.org (email)

Laurie Abounader - Aging Program Administrator
Laurie Abounader is an Aging Program Administrator who serves as the Lead Planner for Anson and Lincoln Counties. She serves as Lead for Senior Centers, In-Home Aide, Adult Day Care, Adult Day Health, Group Respite, Elder Abuse Awareness Initiatives, and also assists with Mobility Management.
704-688-6501 (phone)labounader@centralina.org (email)

Molly O’Day - Aging Program Coordinator
Molly is an Aging Program Coordinator who works with our Housing Home Improvement, Chore Enhanced, and Choosing Home direct services to aid older adults in aging in place. Molly also works in our falls prevention efforts as a Master Trainer for A Matter of Balance and co-lead for the Metrolina Falls Prevention Coalition.
704-385-4461 (phone)moday@centralina.org (email)

Patricia Garner Cowan - Regional Ombudsman - Iredell, Rowan & Stanly
Patricia Cowan is the Ombudsman serving residents who live in Adult Care Homes and Nursing Homes in Iredell and Rowan Counties. She is a certified American with Disabilities Act (ADA) trainer.
704-688-6503 (phone)pcowan@centralina.org (email)

Rachel Kiel - Regional Ombudsman - Cabarrus, Union & Anson
Rachel Kiel is the Ombudsman serving residents who live in Adult Care Homes and Nursing Homes in Anson, Cabarrus and Union Counties.
704-348-2739 (phone)rkiel@centralina.org (email)

Rochelle McIver - Regional Ombudsman - Mecklenburg Adult Care Homes
Rochelle McIver is the Ombudsman serving residents who live in Adult Care Homes in Mecklenburg County.
704-348-2736 (phone)rmciver@centralina.org (email)