Elder Abuse Awareness

Centralina Area Agency on Aging Ombudsman Program is mandated to promote awareness of elder abuse. The Ombudsman Program exists to promote and protect the rights of individuals who reside in long-term care facilities, including the right “to be free from mental and physical abuse.”
Although the Ombudsman Program does not investigate allegations of elder mistreatment, we work closely with many of the agencies that do investigate abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
Centralina Area Agency on Aging Promotes Elder Abuse Awareness
- Presentations – Centralina Area Agency on Aging Ombudsman staff are available to make informative presentations to the community about elder abuse. Click here to learn more about available presentations.
- Training - Educational in-services for long-term care facility staff are also available upon request. In-service classes for Adult Care Home staff include CEU credit.
- Resources – Information about abuse, such as our “Blow the Whistle on Elder Abuse” brochure, is available upon request.
- World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Events – World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is celebrated annually on June 15th. This worldwide celebration involves a variety of events to increase awareness, including educational seminars, scam prevention events, etc. Contact Centralina Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-508-5777 for more information or visit here.
- The International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) has produced the Community Guide to Raise World Awareness on Adult Abuse Tool Kit. The Toolkit provides sample ideas and templates for activities and examples of materials, resources, proclamations, and messages. The Toolkit is available for free download here.
- Elder Abuse Task Force Participation – Centralina Area Agency on Aging partners with local interdisciplinary teams to combat elder mistreatment. Currently, Centralina is an active member of the Cabarrus County Task Force for the Prevention of Abuse of Elder and Disabled Adults.
If you suspect abuse, click here for more information.
- Elder abuse brochure 2021
- The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) website contains many resources to help you find assistance, publications, data, information, and answers about elder abuse.
- Definitions of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation
- Guide for identifying elder abuse from the National Council for Aging Care